Planets, Planets, Planets is an alt comedy troupe that uses improv, clown and sketch to unpack different astrological moments in time. The cast is composed of 10 femme and non-binary LA-based comedians and artists, each personifying a planet within an absurd zodiacal world. Using the planetary alignments happening the night of each performance, every show is different and improvised around a unique theatrical map. Developed by a group of clowns who are also professional or serious students of astrology, the depth of astrological symbolism is met with the nonsense of comedic storytelling.
Starring: Blair Bogin, Camirin Farmer, Martha Fearnley, Reshma Meister, Kat Toledo, Deidre Scott, Araceli Lemos, Elodie Blakely, Sarah Shtern, Emily Maverick, Meat Bar