Happening in Los Angeles

Microwave Buddha / Nervous Gender / Pink Stiletto / El Colmo
This event happened in the past


Microwave Buddha / Nervous Gender / Pink Stiletto / El Colmo

Microwave Buddha features David Javelosa, the surviving member of Bay Area art bands Los Microwaves and Baby Buddha. Both of these bands were formerly on the legendary Poshboy Records. Also in the band is Greg Langston, drummer for many bands including No Alternative, Tuxedomoon and the Sea Hags. On bass is Matty Goodman of Soccermom, and surprise guest artists will cover additional synths, percussion and back up vocals.

Nervous Gender Reloaded has been a legendary presence in early synth-punk and is still going strong today with original vocalist Edward Stapleton and composer Matt Comeione, who creates a full band sound with electronics. NG Reloaded brings the intensity of the original punk group into the future of technology with their four tracks on this compilation, as well as a re-release on Dark Entries Records.

Pink Stiletto, fronted by multi-talented Valery Kvochkova, is a mind-bending trip into the 80s synthesizer sound but with a very modern appeal. Kvochkova writes and engineers all of the Pink Stiletto recordings featured on Metro Subterranean. She and her band's live show incorporate engaging visuals and hip choreography that prove the band is as entertaining as the songs are memorable.

El Colmo The guest stars on the bill are a Latin flavored trio filled with punk energy and new wave geometry. Led by bassist/singer Arturo Guzman, this local LA band plays a garage rock jam. They sing their songs in Spanish with a passion that expresses their musical craft. The songs are appreciated by crowds that cheer approval throughout their set.
