In Arthur C. Clarke's Space Odyssey series, Monoliths are machines in black cuboids whose sides extend in the precise ratio of 1 : 4 : 9 built by an unseen extraterrestrial species whom Clarke dubbed the Firstborn and who he suggests are the earliest highly intelligent species to evolve in the Milky Way. In the series of novels (and the films based on these), three Monoliths are discovered in the Solar System by australopithecines and their human descendants. The characters' responses to their discoveries drives the plot of the series and influences its fictional history, particularly by encouraging humanity to progress with technological development.
... is this the origin of 1X4X9?
1X4X9 residue Album Release & Listening Party.
Wes is coming to do visuals.
@thecocktail cook is coming to prepare a delicious summer Mezcal cocktail (non-alcoholic version also available). Drinks are free to guests making the event private and RSVP only.
7-10 PM
DJs on each end of two plays of the full album. The album is 40 minutes long.
Will have some other cool swag - some free stuff. But we can sell CDs and tapes.
I might have Captain Choice do a little solo piano renditions of the 1X4X9 hits, just as another fun element.
More later. Thanks!!
RSVP required to attend.